In May 2018, Alysha Sharma was told she had pulmonary hypertension. The 12 months that followed have been spent coming to terms with the diagnosis, adapting to life with the condition, and learning to look to the future. This is her story.
Emma Garwood from Brighton was diagnosed with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH) following a pulmonary embolism. In this special blog, she shares the journey she has been on since.
When Lynsey Childs from Darlington and Andy Sweeney from Merseyside started chatting on the PHA UK Facebook group, they had no idea they would end up falling in love. This is their story.
We are appreciative to Actelion Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd for an unrestricted grant to support the structure of this website. Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd have had no input into the contents of the website, which remains copyright to the PHA UK.